The tombstone of Fr. Kallinikos Kanellas, Oakland Cemetery, Little Rock, Arkansas (Courtesy Fr. Nicholas Verdaris)
After I published a piece on Fr. Kallinikos Kanellas earlier this week, I spoke with Fr. Nicholas Verdaris, the pastor of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Little Rock, Arkansas. As it turns out, the Annunciation community continues to maintain Kanellas’ gravesite, and Fr. Nicholas was kind enough to send me the above photo of Kanellas’ tombstone. From it, we can see that Kanellas was born in 1837 and died in 1921, at the age of 83 or 84. That would put him in his 40s when he served in India, and in his early 50s when he came to the United States. Considering when he lived, Kanellas enjoyed a very long life.